Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015



(This assignment is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of Quantitative research subject guided by Mr. Wawan Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.Pd)

Winda Nuraini
NPM. 12188203261



This chapter presents some aspects that underlie the topic of the research; they are background of the study, problem of the study, objectives of the study, hypothesis, significance of the study, limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.

1.1  Background of the study

English is an important means of communication, which used by many countries in this world. It plays an important role as an international language. This why the indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in schools. Students need to be sufficiently equipped with English communication skills, both oral and written.
Vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a foreign language when students study it. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions. Even if student’s grammar is excellent, you just won't be able to communicate your meaning without a wide vocabulary. Since English is not our national language, it is not easy to learn it. Many student or learners find problem in mastering it. One of the basic problems is lack of vocabularies. Vocabulary is really important element of the language to be concerned with in order to master the four language skills.
In teaching a language, English particularly is very complicated. In the classroom, we will face dozens of technique applied to the students’ under the expectation that they are able to or easy to understand the lesson. As a teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to overcome the problems and not to forget to motivate the students. Some teachers have used games, pictures, songs, real object, cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the student creativity in learning process.
There are many media can be used to improve students’ vocabulary like audio aid, audio-visual aid and etc. Example for audio aid is radio, music, and so on while example of audio-visual aid is video, film/movie, and television, etc.
In this study, movie is chosen as a media for teaching vocabulary. Movie is one of the audio-visual aid. Film, also called a movie, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry ( Using English movie can be very pleasing and interesting for the students. Movie can be an excellent media to use because from the writer view that there are many students interested in movies because they watch movies as an entertainment. They can learn about language style, culture, and also the native speaker’s expression. So they can improve their English vocabulary more easily.
Media such as a movie has a very significant roles to motivate the student to learn vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of English movie they will become more active as participant and more confident in express their feeling.

1.2  Problem of the study
Is there any significant effect of using English movie on the vocabulary mastery: at the first year students of SMA 1 Karangan in academic year 2014/2015?

1.3  Objectives of the study
The purpose of the study is to find out the effectiveness of using English movie in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

1.4  Hypothesis
There is any significant effect of using English movie on the vocabulary mastery: at the first year students of SMA 1 Karangan in academic year 2014/2015

1.5  Significance of the study
The result of this study can be contribute some benefits to students and teachers. Here are the benefits:
1.      Students
It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English since they will find out that learning English is not always difficult to learn. Their improvement of interest in learning English will help them master English well.
2.      Teachers
It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate the students to learn about English especially in vocabulary learning, they would not be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies. The use of media, in this context “Movie” could be a good alternative or variation in teaching vocabulary, where it would make the students enjoyed following the lesson.

1.6  Scope and limitation of the study
The writer limits this study by the following limitation:
1.      The subject of researcher in this research is the first year student of SMA 1 Karangan in academic year 2014/2015.
2.       The implementation of English movie technique to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery.

1.7  And definition of key terms
In order to clarify what variables are involves in the study some definition are put forwards:
1.       Movie
A series of moving pictures with sound, which you can watch at the cinema or at home.
2.      Vocabulary
Vocabulary in cambridge dictionary is all the words known and used by a particular person and all the words which exist in a particular language or subject.


                        One of the most important things to help learners to communicate successfully is knowledge of vocabulary. The richer vocabulary we have, the better we can communicate. Hence, in order not to fail on the way of teaching and learning vocabulary, teachers and students must try their best to find out an appropriate method for themselves. Using visual aids, especially movies or film, is a good way to teach vocabulary and really important, necessary for the new method of teaching and learning. This chapter aims at providing some theoretical background of the study.

2.1  Vocabulary
2.1.1        Definition of Vocabulary
2.1.2        Reason Why Study Vocabulary
2.1.3        Kinds of Vocabulary  Productive versus Receptive Vocabulary  Content Words versus Function Words
2.2  General Concepts of Media
2.3  General Concepts of Movie
2.3.1        Definition of Movie
2.3.2        Advantages and Disadvantages Using English Movie
2.3.3        Learning Through Movie
2.3.4        Summary


The methodology of the research is very important in every research as a guideline to attain the objective of the study. Chapter three provides information about methodology of the research that the writer applies in this study. They are method of research, population and sample, instrument of the research, method of data collection and data analysis.

3.1        Method of Research

Research design in this study is to seek and to answer the question of the study Is there any significant effect of using English movie on the vocabulary mastery: at the first year students of SMA 1 Karangan in academic year 2014/2015?”
In doing that  I intendd to use quantitative research to complete this study. Wikipedia (2012) in its article said that Quantitative methods were research methods dealing with numbers and anything that was measurable.
Wikipedia (2012) in its article also said, the objective of quantitative research was to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement was central to quantitative research because it provided the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.
3.2        Population and Sample
3.2.1        Population of the study
Population is total member of research subject.” (Arikunto, 2010:173). In addition, mention that population is the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn; "it is an estimate of the mean of the population.
In this case, the population is the entire of the first grade students of SMA Karangan the academic year 2014/2015. The number of population is 39 students.

3.2.2        Sample of the Study
After determining the population, I obtain a sample, which is obviously important step in conducting a research. Arikunto (2010:174) says that a sample is a part of population, which is investigated. The number of population that is used in this study is 39 students. Because of the limitation number of population which is only 39 students, I use population research and take the whole population as the sample of the research. Arikunto (2010:174) said that population research only done for a limited population and the subject are not many.
3.3        Instrument of Research
According to Arikunto (2010:192), research instrument is a device used by the research while collecting the data to make his work become easier and to get better result, complete and systematic in order to make the data easy to process.
I use two kinds of instruments in doing it, they are test, and questionnaire in order to identify whether or not it is an effective way to teach vocabulary to students.
1.      Test
Referring to assessment) (2007) in its article it said that In education, certification, counseling, and many other fields, a test or exam (short for examination) was a tool or technique intended to measure students' expression of knowledge, skills and/or abilities. A test had more questions of greater difficulty and requires more time for completion than a quiz. It was usually divided into two or more sections, each covering a different area of the domain or taking a different approach to assessing the same aspects.
In completing this study the test should be based on an achievement test which is the result later use as data. In order to get an enough data I divide the test into two: they are pre test and post-test. The purpose of giving the classroom tests is to measuring the skills, knowledge of intelligence, ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups (Arikunto 2010:193). This is the reason why the role of pre and post-test are important toward this study which it would determine whether the use of movie is effective or not to apply to students.
2.      Questionnaire
Oxford university press (2007) in its article said that a questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, but this is not always the case.
Arikunto (2010:195), questionnaire could be in the form of multiple choice, essay, check-list and rating-scale so respondents would only select one of the provided answers in it. In conducting this study, I use a multiple-choice questionnaire, in which, the respondents only select one of the provided answers (by crossing (A, B, C or D) in each question).
3.4        Method of data collection
The technique use in this research is questionnaire and tests. The aim of using questionnaire in this research is to know how the students’ respond about the teaching strategy applied and the tests method is use to know whether students are successful or not in teaching vocabulary using movie.
This study is undertaken through three activities. At first is a pre-test, second is the post-test which to measure students’ achievement, and third applying the questionnaire to know students’ respond on strategy use by researcher. To give a clear understanding, the three steps of the activities will be explained as follows:
a.        Pre-test
Pre-test consists of 10 items in the form of multiple choices. In pre test researcher take the question from a narrative story of Harry Potter.
b.      Post-test
Post-Test is done after pre-test are conducted. The aim is to measure the students’ achievement and to compare the result between pre and post-test that would be processed into data. The test consists of 10 items same with pre test but the question takes from movie of Harry Potter.
c.       Questionnaire
The questionnaire will be conducted after the two activities above are completely done. The purposee only to gain data from the students’ response about the teaching strategy applied. The questionnaire consists of five questions and it is in the form of multiple choices.
The students’ success and failure in doing the activities plan above will be assessed by referring to the criterion issued by department of education and culture. The criterion said that a student could be said to pass the test if he/she could solve 65% of the whole problems.

3.5        Data analysis
The data analysis is use to draw the conclusion of the research data. This study consists of three activities in which it use a method of quantitative to process the data. Then I would compare them, in order to know the result of this study, whether or not, the increase in the students’ results happen in this study. Below is the formula to get valid result, I use to process the data gained:
                         P =  R   X 100 %

P = Percentage
R = Score Achieved
N = Number

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